February 1, 2011

Day 150-Coming June 2011: The Little Black Book of Big Red Flags

Ok, ladies-listen up. Here's a title that should be circulating among each circle of friends. I found out about this book from a colleague and can't wait for it to hit the stands. Yes, it's early, but let's go ahead, think happy summer thoughts and keep this in mind for June!

By their readers' demands, the authors of The Little Black Blog of Big Red Flags rifled through thousands of submissions from men and women across the U.S. (and even around the world) for the can't-believe-it-really-happened, most outrageous, most revealing red flag stories ever received in order to create this book. In addition to tales of relationship woe, this hip relationships guide will include witty advice, entertaining lists and even some embarassing personal stories from the authors.

In the meantime, you can get your quota of humor from these gals at their blog: The Little Black Blog of Big Red Flags: A Place for all those warning signs you totally spotted but chose to ignore...

Check it out and get the wheels turning about those red flags you're getting in your own life! Mine include: never had a relationship longer than three months, doesn't believe in marriage, doesn't believe in toilet paper and wants to know how you feel about living in a hut in Africa.

And just so I play it evenly between the genders, here are ethe men's big red flags about US-and all this time, I thought our only flaw was being oh-so perfect :-)

I'm Off the Market & In the Moment!

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